Monday, November 22, 2010

Money vs Art

So ... yeah. I realize I am a REALLY horrible blogger. It's been months since I have posted. But you will be happy to know that with the move to NYC (and the 6 weeks away doing The 39 Steps), I kept true to my promise of doing something every day for my career (well, almost every day. There were a few days I got sucked into America's Next Top Model or Next Iron Chef marathons). But, I have also teamed up with a career coach here in NYC who is pushing me to even more organized and motivated than before (hard to imagine esp since my roommate often says, "you're so fucking organzied! I hate you!"). So I feel pretty good about where I am headed in the businessy part of this business.

However, this past week I missed 6 open calls because I accepted a temp job. It's really boring office work but since it's so slow and boring, I've been doing a lot of headshot and resume submissions and even updated my professional website. But today is the last day of the job and my temp agency calls me asking me if I want to work wednesday and friday (probably because word gets out how fantastically organized and efficient I am. And good-looking doesn't hurt). And you know a NYC gal needs money so of course I said no. What?!?! I know!! I actually said no. I hate turning down work of any kind, but I made plans with NYC friends for this whole weekend. My friends are like a second family to me and in this crazy, stressful town I need to maintain and strengthen those connections with my friends more than ever.

So, it leads me to this question that has plagued so many artists over the years. How do you pursue your art and still make money? I've never been a person who needs money. I mean, I like having money as much as the next guy, but anyone who knows me knows that I don't waste money on technology or accessories. It's mostly food and booze and with a smaller budget, less of both of those is okay. But I still have to pay the rent and buy ramen, so I do need some coin coming in.

So I think part of 2011 will be searching for that one perfect job that compliments my acting "career" and (this could be asking too much) makes me happy as well! If you have any ideas let me know!

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Small Setbacks

So ... I love this city. I love its energy, its people, its opportunity. I have been meeting people, making business relationships, and going on auditions. The city makes me incredibly tired though. All of the walking and carry the day's necessities on my back has started to take its toll on my lower back and hips. I am exhausted by the end of the day, but I sleep like a baby. I feel so at home.

However, today I went to an open chorus call for a Broadway show and completely freaked out. I was #151 and knew that I wouldn't be seen for another 3.5 hours so I decided instead of changing into my auditions dress, I would just sit and watch the other ladies. And this is when I the Vampire of Self-Doubt starts talking to me. They are all so much more prepared and put together than I am. Hair curled, show-period appropriate dresses, skinny buff bods and looking every bit the Broadway chorus gals that I am not. So I left. And didn't go back. I knew that if I had stayed I would not have done well and would have felt horrible about myself.

And the thing is, I felt smooshy for about an hour, but then I felt great that I didn't stay. Because I got a lot of life stuff accomplished this afternoon and actually learned what I needed to about where the bar is set at these auditions. Tomorrow I will know. Tomorrow I will stay and blow those skinny bitches out of the water.

Daily Activities for My Career:
Last Tuesday - Met with a coach/manager
Wednesday - Submitted headshots and resumes
Thursday - Went to the Equity building and picked up my card so I could audition
Friday - First NYC audition as an Equity member! Go team
Saturday - Supported my friends by going to see two shows (one out in Brooklyn, the other out in Queens. I'm a great friend)
Sunday - "Brief Encounter" matinee and was completely inspired and reminded of the reason I do theatre.
Today - One great audition, one attempt audition that resulted in valuable info for the future

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mm ... For the Smell of It

So .. Tonight I saw my first opera ... in HD in the Lincoln Center plaza outside of the Met. I was a filmed version of the Met's production of Carmen by Bizet and it was fan-fucking-tastic. How have I gone 32 years and never experienced an opera? It's beautiful music, beautiful costumes, and tons of drama. It's like every Saturday night of my life!

But as I was sitting on my pillow in front of the fountain in front of Lincoln Center, I was hit with the realization of how much I love the smell of a city. As I sat there, I caught whiffs of steak, and perfume, and Thai food, and wine and dirt and industry. And it all mingled into this unforgettable and delicious smell. I know it sounds crazy, but I LOVE that smell.

When I lived in Chicago, I lived at 863 W Roscoe with a gal pal from college. And one beautiful spring day, I opened a window and took a deep breath and remarked about how much I loved the smell of the city. She very plainly explained to me how much of a freak I was (and apparently still am). Not long after, she moved out to the suburbs where the cleaner smell of fresh cut grass and oxygen are much more prevalent. However, for me, the smell of cities are like pheromones. I crave it. It's home to me.

Daily Activity for My career:
Being inspired by a production at the best opera house in America. What more do you need?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The New Beginning

So ... I made it to NYC and I am writing on my couch as I listen to the music from a block party a few streets away. I love this town! I am loving my neighborhood, how easy it is to get around in this city AND I love that I have so many good friends close by.

Last night, I met up with about 8 good friends from my grad school days, some I had seen recently, some I hadn't seen in about 4 years! But it was great to reconnect with everyone and to know that we are all still following our dreams in this biz in some capacity.

And now for my challenge: One thing everyday for my career? Hm, that seems to have gone by the wayside, hasn't it? Well, there is nothing set in stone that says I can't start over. I am giving myself the weekend to continue settling in and then I will hit it on Tuesday!

PS - A big ol' black lady just walked past my window singing to Jesus at the top of her lungs! That's the second person I've heard today just singing it out in public. And not for money. Just cuz it feels good to sing in the sunshine!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

So .. I don't know of any actor who travels as much as I do to attend all of these auditions. Today I am four states away for a callback for a theatre I have already worked for and will for in the fall. The callback went well, but I get the sense that I am not their idea of a musical theatre performer. Sure, I'm a good actress b/c they keep hiring me for that, but a singer? Forget it.

I don't think it was totally fruitless, however. I sang a new audition piece and it went well. I learned some other valuable things about auditioning, so it was beneficial. But worth the airfare, rental car and hotel room ... probably not.

I was chatting backstage with a woman in my cast (the whole cast is female so that doesn't really narrow it down) and she was telling me about all of the men she dated before her husband. All of the men were "great on paper" guys, but she felt that something was missing. Each time she broke it off hoping that she would find a man who was not only "great on paper" but also had that missing quality she was looking for. She finally met him at a voice conference and he was the exact opposite of everything she had always been attracted to, but she knew right away that this was the man for her. In her words, she had to date those other men and have the courage to break it off with them with the belief she would find someone better in order "to earn" her husband. While the story does give me hope for my personal life, I feel like it has a more significant application to my professional life.

I think I have to go through all of these expensive, exhausting experiences in order "to earn" my success. That all of this will pay off someday in the connections and impressions I have made. If I can just have the courage and perseverance to keep on keepin' on, I will "earn" what I am striving for. Step twp: figure out what I'm striving for ...

Daily Activities for My Career:
Today: Callback with kick-ass new audition song
Tomorrow: Write thank you notes, start 2nd weekend of shows

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tempus Fugit ... Or Something

So … I have 13 days until I leave for NYC and I have started panicking. Not the kind of panic where you’re crouched in a corner rocking back and forth. No, not yet. But every time I think about all that has to be done before I leave, my stomach starts to hurt and I want to drink it away with a handle of whiskey.

I’m just not ready to pack up my whole life again. I’ve gotten so used to packing just enough – just what I need to survive for 6 weeks here and 5 weeks there – that the thought of packing an entire life is paralyzing. I keep feeling like I should be packing only what will fit in my Escape. But no, this time I have a 10 ft truck. And anyone who lives in NYC knows that an NYC bedroom isn’t big enough to hold 10 feet’s worth of crap.

So I’ve given myself daily projects. Like, “Today, I will pack my winter clothes.” or “Today, I will pack just my theatre books.” Trouble is, I’m pretty sure there are more categories than there are days left. Someone needs to light a fire …

Daily Activities for My Career:
Today: two auditions at my agent’s office. One for a TV commercial that is clearly a Progressive knock-off and for a voice-over. I’m pretty sure I won’t get either seeing as how I just wanted to get them over with so I could get home a continue stressing about moving.
Tomorrow: flying to another state for a callback. I can’t wait until I live in NYC and all of the auditions/callbacks are in one place!!!